Fbx export guide unity
Fbx export guide unity

fbx export guide unity

If you follow the above steps for simple objects and rigged characters, you should end up with correctly rotated and scaled objects when they are imported into Unity with a lot less headache. This video highlights the problem and demonstrates the methods to solve the issue: That's It. Watch this video (at 2:24) to see the export process for a rigged character with an armature.

  • Set Apply Scale dropdown to " FBX Units Scale".
  • If you have nothing else in the scene other than the armature and mesh object you can skip this step, otherwise, select only the armature and the child mesh character object (use shift to select multiple) and tick "Selected Objects" in the FBX export window.
  • Press Ctrl+A and Apply Rotation (the X axis rotation should now be 0 for the child mesh object).
  • Select the child mesh of the armature containing your character (it should show a rotation of -90 degrees for the X axis).
  • Rotate the armature to 90 degrees on the X axis (do not apply rotation!).
  • Press Ctrl+A to and select Apply > Rotation.
  • fbx export guide unity

    Rotate the armature to -90 degrees on the X axis.Select the armature (the mesh should already be a child of the armature).If you want to accelerate this process, especially if you are making many objects, have a look at this post where I have made a Unity Batch FBX Export addon for Blender! For rigged characters with armature and bones Go to step 1 and repeat process until all objects are exported.Move the the object to position 0,0,0 in your scene if it isn't there already.Watch this video (at 1:01)to see it in action For multiple simple objects Tick !EXPERIMENTAL! Apply Transform checkbox.

    fbx export guide unity

    (Simple object = no hierarchy and no armature (bones) or animations) For now, however, I strongly recommend sticking to 2.79.įirst of all, if you are impatient like me, here's a quick summary of the easiest way to get rotation and scaling right: For a simple object

    fbx export guide unity

    Once a stable and reasonably bug-free version of 2.8 is available, I will publish an update. But wait - why not Blender 2.8? Even though Blender 2.8 has been in development for a long time, much of it is a complete re-write and the current beta is not yet stable enough to work with for a decent workflow. Have you ever been frustrated when exporting FBX files from Blender and importing them into Unity? Problems with rotation and scaling along the way? In this post I will provide you with some tips and tricks to get the Blender to Unity process working smoother.

    Fbx export guide unity