Battle chess card game
Battle chess card game

There are 4 different board styles (a 2D diagram, two fixed 3D designs and a 3D rotatable board) to suit any style - from the playful kid to the serious tournament player.

battle chess card game battle chess card game

Our online chess game also features an opening database created by analysing 145,000 games from international tournaments. With 5 levels of difficulty and a behavior modeled to make human mistakes, this is a very fun game to play. SparkChess is an excellent way to get better at chess - learn the proper rules (including the elusive en-passant), practice openings, test strategies, use the board editor to recreate famous positions with FEN strings, replay famous games, import/export PGN games and databases (with comments and annotations) and let the computer help you. SparkChess is a free online chess game that allows you to practice chess against the computer and to engage in multiplayer online challenges, or to just watch others play.

Battle chess card game